If you are a job seeker who doesn't use the internet then it might be very difficult for you to get a job. Networking is what will help you get a new job these days. Now for those of you who don't know what networking is, it basically means that you start to build up alliances.
Networking isn't the part where you ask someone if they have an opening, infect this start a long time before you even start to look for you job. There are various ways by which you network.
The first is you attend any sort of meeting which is professional or trade related or you volunteer for things or when you visit various clubs or religious groups or when you talk to people at chat rooms or sales people who are coming to your office. All this is a part of networking.
Nowadays the best way to get a job would be by using networking. Now there are many companies who don't advertise the fact that they are hiring or they prefer to hire people who have been referred by their own employees. This way the work becomes easier for them and it save them a lot of time since they don't have to advertise and go through each and every single resume which comes in and phone calls too.
Now you can't call up people who barely know and ask them for help with a job. When you network you need to ask close friends of your to help you out and introduce you to people. You need to have casual relationships with these people and what better way to do it than to use the internet.
Now the problem with the internet is that you can't show your body language so you need to make the relationship work out in the right away. You need to represent yourself well. You will find that there are various forums which are available on the web or even chat rooms where you can do this. There are categories of chat rooms so join the one you think is the most apt for you.
Then you also have a lot of websites for social networking. There are some of these sites which are casual and some which are there strictly for business purposes. Then you even have mailing listing. But then you will have to the personal email address of the people in order to do this.
Finally after you make contact with the person and you get to know the person better you can contact the person directly and not online but then make sure that you don't send a resume right then and there.